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作者:佚名 来源:学生大 时间:2004-5-27 16:39:45 发祝福】【收藏】【在线报名

Causes of Juvenile Crime and Solutions


The increasingly high rates of juvenile delinquency are a great problem in modern society. More and more people are paying
special attention to it. There are mainly three causes of this problem-the negative influence of mass media, young people s
tendency to be rebellious and high divorce rates.

The first reason of the high rates of juvenile delinquency is the negative influence of commercialized mass media. Publishers of
books or programme producers are more concerned with profits than with the quality. Thus books or movies may have
negative effects on children. Taken obscene books and violence movies as examples. They are very dangerous to children.
Once the children are exposed to violence or bad and dirty ideas are introduced into their mind, there will be lifelong harm.
Some young children watch hours of murders, fights and crimes every week, with no adult to tell them that life is not like that
most of them. The effect of the heavy does of violence is to suggest to children that violence is an ordinary way of life, and that
shooting and cheating are ways to succeed. Such a misbelief usually leads them to a wrong way in near future.

The second reason of high rates of juvenile crime is that modern youth are more revolutionary and more independent that the
elder generation. When this tendency goes to an extreme, problems arise. Some of the young want to throw away all the
traditional principles and beliefs, most of which are very good for self-cultivation. They are reluctant to listen to the advice from
elder generation. If they behave in the way as they like, they might commit crimes without realizing it.

The third significant factor of juvenile crime is the increasing number of single-parent families. Studies show that
juvenile-delinquency rates are twice as high for youngsters from single-parent homes as for those in traditional households.
Children in single-parent families are taken less care of and thus have feelings of being neglected, discriminated and isolated. The
lack of parental love makes them hostile and cynical towards the society.

There are several ways to prevent the youth from committing crimes. Firstly, school education plays an important role to teach
traditional beliefs. Secondly, the present situation also calls for a control and supervision on the mass media. Books and
programmes should be in good quality. There should be more educational books and programmes for young children in to tell
them how to distinguish the right from the wrong. Thirdly, mutual understanding between parents and children is also very
important. Parental supervision and guidance are a key factor of self-cultivation in lifetime. The two generations need to smooth
away disagreement. Parents can spend much time staying with their children and patiently carry out the duty of family education.

Why Do People Feel Isolated from Each Other and Solutions

Modern people have a feeling that they are becoming more and more isolated from each other though it is believed that the
development of information technology has made the world smaller. There are three reasons for this.

Firstly, modern people have greater tensions so that they have less time to communicate with each other. More and more
people are living in urban areas, where life is in a quick rhythm. Due to fierce competition, city dwellers have to be hardworking
in order to keep up with the steps of city life. Everybody is busy all the time. Work pressures deprive them of a casual way of
life. Moreover, living in apartments in different blocks, people are isolated from each other. It is not convenient for them to meet
each other freely.

Secondly, the wide use of telephone and overwhelming emergence of the internet prevent modern people from seeing each
other quite often. In the past, when some festivals comes, the way people to send congratulations is to meet each other, to sit
together and to talk or they can write letters and send postcards. Nowadays people can simply send an email or make a phone
call to send good wishes in a few minutes. However, sitting before the computer screen is not the same thing as meeting, talking
and writing. People are loosing the pleasure of writing and talking and hospitality towards each other. In some sense, people are
becoming mechanic.

Thirdly, modern people s spare time are occupied by various kinds of entertainments and activities. In the past, meeting and
talking to others is a fundamental way to get information. However, today TV programmes are very attractive. People can just
stay at home and knows clearly what is happening in the world. Therefore, people have few chances to meet each other and
thus a feeing of isolation arises.

There are some solutions to the present situation. First of all, people need to be fully aware of the fact that the modern ways of
communication cannot take the place of the traditional ones. Sending emails cannot have the same effect as writing or
face-to-face talk. Traditional ways should be encouraged and people can write letters as much as possible. Secondly, activities
held in one neighbourhood can create a warm atmosphere among people. Thirdly, the people need to know how to enjoy life,
which is a new and popular idea in modern society.

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